Boron (B) and zinc (Zn) enriched with glycine betaine to promote shoot and flowering uniformity
NUTRI-GEMMA B-Zn is a liquid formulation with high content of boron and zinc, enriched with glycine betaine and specific to optimize both sprouting and flowering of fruit trees. Thanks to its composition, zinc and boron (both biologically complexed) are rapidly transported into plant tissues where they play essential roles in metabolism of the reproductive stage.
Key Benefits
- Improves sprouting and flowering
- Feeds buds after harvest
- Prevents and cures boron and zinc deficiencies
Key Components
Boron (B) ethanolamine, zinc (Zn) citrate, glycine betaine
Mode of Action
BORON optimizes the development of meristem cells (that constitute both the buds and the apical part of the roots) contributing to the formation and growth of sprouts, flowers and roots. Moreover, boron improves pollen germination, optimizing fruit set, and is actively involved in the enzymatic processes that lead to the synthesis and translocation of sugars inside plant tissues.
ZINC is a natural growth promoter: it maintains a balanced hormone level in the plant and catalyses the synthesis of tryptophan, which is the amino acid precursor of indolacetic-acid (auxin). In addition, zinc participates to the formation of chlorophyll and is an essential component of several enzymes involved in protein biosynthesis.
NUTRI-GEMMA B-Zn is an organic formulation, enriched with glycine betaine, containing boron (B) complexed with ethanolamine and zinc (Zn) complexed with citric acid. These complexing agents are biological molecules that form an organic coating around the micronutrients. This stabilises and improves nutrient use efficiency, guaranteeing high performance, even on young or sensitive crops.
NUTRI-GEMMA B-Zn, applied at post-harvest on fruit trees, favours the replenishment of nutrients level in the reserve organs (roots, trunk and wood) and promote the development of complete and fertile buds, allowing the plant to optimize both bud breaking and flowering.
When applied before flowering, NUTRI-GEMMA B-Zn reduces metabolic stress and favours pollen germination, increasing fruit set and limiting fruit drop.
Apple results: Fuji (Kiku 8), Forli (FC) - Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Assessments performed the year after treatment
Directions for Use
3 L/ha
Rate range 2-3 L/ha
1-2 applications
7-14 days apart
Apply when leaves are still active
1.5 L/ha (1-2 L/ha)
1-2 applications
7-10 days apart
Analysis g/L
Boron (B) water soluble 68
Zinc (Zn) water soluble 68
Enriched with glycine betaine
Physico-chemical Properties
pH (1% solution) 8.5 ± 0.5
Density (at 20°C) 1.36 kg/L