

Healthy soil, balanced plant growth


NOV@ improves nutrient use efficiency and promotes a balanced plant with shorter internodes, thicker stems and larger, more photosynthetically active leaves.

Organic Farming




  • Liquid

Pack size

  • 20 L
  • 1000 L

Key Benefits

Key Components

Plant extracts, yeast extracts, organic acids, vitamins, biologically chelated micronutrients.

Mode of Action

NOV@ contains plant extracts rich in phytosaponins (biological adjuvants which carry compounds directly into roots), polysaccharides and glycine betaine. Combined with organic acids, this gives a ROOTING FACTOR, improving root development and architecture, nutrient uptake and soil structure.
Vitamins and biologically chelated micronutrients complete this by enhancing primary metabolism and optimising hormone balance.
The result is a healthier, more balanced plant for larger, firmer fruit and more uniform yields.

Figure 1: Leaf chlorophyll content (μg/cm²) of SweeTango apple leaves following fertigation. Standard is grower standard fertiliser applications. Treated is grower standard fertiliser applications plus NOV@.

Directions for Use

Wine grapes, Table grapes, Pome fruit, Stone fruit, Cherries
Increase nutrient uptake, Balanced vegetative growth, Improve soil health and structure, Improve root development and architecture
Bud burst, Beginning of flowering, Fruit set (cell division), Fruit fill, Post-harvest

15 - 20 L/ha

Critical Comments

Light soils - lower rate increased frequency of applications

Stressed crops - increase rate 2x (NOVA 40 L/ha)

Season minimum NOVA 20 L/ha over 1 or more applications

Alternative application with weed sprayer: Tank mix NOVA with herbicides in weed sprayer at 2-5% concentration.

400L water per ha = 400 x 0.05 = NOVA 20 L/ha

(min NOVA 10 L/ha per application)

Less transplant stress, Balanced vegetative growth, Increase nutrient uptake, Larger fruit, Improve root development and architecture
7-14 days after transplanting, Vegetative growth, Pre-flowering, Fruit fill

15 - 20 L/ha


This product can be mixed with all common formulations; avoid concentrated blends with acid reaction products. A simple mixture test to check physical compatibilty is advisable.

Analysis g/L

Organic nitrogen (N) 11.3

Organic carbon (C) of biological origin 113

Organic matter with nominal molecular weight <50 kDa 339

Carbon / Nitrogen ratio (C/N) 10 / 1 ratio

Physico-chemical Properties

pH (1% solution) 5.9 ± 0.5

Density (at 20°C) 1.13 kg/L

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