Biostart Organic Foliacin is a biological foliar spray which boosts beneficial microbe populations and supports the protective biofilm on plant foliage.

Key Benefits
- Improve plant health and productivity
- Improve flower and fruit set
- Improve recovery from periods of environmental and chemical spray stress
- Aid in green leaf retention
- Maximise photsynthesis
Key Components
Foliacin Organic contains a combination of compounds from the fermentation of beneficial bacteria and yeast.
Mode of Action
Plants are often exposed to environmental and chemical stress which can impact health and productivity. A biological approach to this farming problem focusses on boosting leaf biology during stress.
Biostart Organic Foliacin is a biological foliar spray which boosts beneficial microbe populations and supports the protective biofilm on plant foliage during times of stress.
In turn, Organic Foliacin supports leaf retention and overall plant resilience in times of disease pressure, drought, cold, phytotoxic exposure (chemical damage from other sprays) and other stress.
Biological compounds in Organic Foliacin promote plant health and growth and rebuild the protective biofilm of the leaf by activating beneficial microbes that live on the leaf’s surfaces. Trials show that Organic Foliacin treated plants have better health and growth during periods of stress.

Leaf from an Organic Foliacin-treated vine (L) vs a leaf from an untreated vine (R).
Foliacin is compatible with commonly used fungicides and nutritional sprays.
Physico-chemical Properties
pH 3.8-4.1
Density (at 20°C) 1.2