Fertica H+ is a biologically enhanced efficiency fertiliser. Granular compound N-P-K (12-5-14) plus trace elements, polysaccharides, humic acid and organic matter specifically designed for Australian crops and conditions. These nutrients are in highly available forms to support crop health and yields.
Key Benefits
Patented multi-step enzymatic extraction delivers consistent, high quality polysaccharide.
- Granular NPK compound with trace elements
- Added organic amendment - humic acid and seaweed
- Dust free granules
- Improves soil structure and increases CEC
- Reduces leaching
- Natural chelating and improves nutrition uptake
Key Components
Granular compound N-P-K (12-5-14) plus trace elements, sulphur (S), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), boron (B), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), polysaccharides, humic acid, organic matter.
Biologically Enhanced Efficiency NPK Compound Fertiliser
Fertica H+ is a biologically enhanced efficiency fertiliser (EEF). This is a granular compound N:P:K (12-5-14)+TE, a combination of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulphur, trace elements, Seawin’s Polysaccha- rides, Humic Acid and Organic matter specially designed for Australian crops and conditions. These nutrients are in highly available forms to support crop health and yields.
Fertica H+ Advantage
Patented multi-step enzymatic extraction method extracts consistent and high quality polysaccharide:
- Granular NPK compound with trace elements
- Added organic components - humic acid and seaweed
- Dust free granules
- Improves soil structure and increases cation exchange capacity
- Reduces leaching
- Natural chelating improves nutrient uptake
Analysis % w/w
Nitrogen (N) 12
as urea 8
as ammonium 4
Phosphorous (P) 5
as water soluble 3
as citrate soluble 2
Potassium (K) 14
as sulphate
Sulphur (S) 7
Calcium (Ca) 0.6
Magnesium (Mg) 1.2
Boron (B) 0.02
Zinc (Zn) 0.1
Iron (Fe) 0.1
Polysaccharides 0.2
Humic acid 6
Organic matter 5