
Digester Organic

Activates soil decomposition microbes

Soil microbial stimulator that activates beneficial naturally occurring saprophytic microbes in your soil that are responsible for plant material decomposition.

NASAA Certified Organic




  • Liquid

Pack size

  • 20 L
  • 1000 L

Key Benefits

Key Components

Organic Digester is made from fermentation extracts of the beneficial soil microbe Pseudomonas putida, which work by activating the saprophytic fungi in the soil involved in decomposition.

Mode of Action

Releasing and recycling the nutrients in organic matter back into the soil is done via the process of decomposition.

Enhancing decomposition by activating naturally occurring microbes speeds up this breakdown, delivering a number of benefits like faster crop rotation, soil enhancement and orchard hygiene.

Biostart Organic Digester is a decomposition product that stimulates decomposition microbes for faster breakdown and composting of organic matter.

Organic Digester enhances the decomposition of prunings, leaf litter, cover crops, old roots and post-harvest crop stubble – recycling nutrients faster and more completely and building soil ready for the following seasons’ crops.

Digester comparison

biostart Digester trial comparison

Accelerated breakdown with biostart Digester (nb this is not the organic formulation)

Directions for Use

Wine grapes, Table grapes
Crop residue decomposition
After leaf fall, After pruning

3-4 L per sprayed ha in a minimum of 200 L of water

Critical Comments

Apply Digester directly on to leaf litter, prunings and other crop residues.

Requires soil moisture/rain and active soil biology.

Digester can be tank mixed with herbicides and fertilisers.

Digester can be applied through fertigation and overhead irrigation.

In low organic matter soils, low fertility soils, after long dry spells or high crop residue levels add technical grade ammonium sulphate at 30 kg/ha.

For best results avoid applying Digester in the heat of the day.

Treated crop residues may be lightly incorporated where possible to maintain moisture.

Use the higher rate in blocks with heavy overwintering disease pressure, compacted or waterlogged soil.

Pome fruit, Stone fruit, Kiwifruit, Avocados, Citrus
Crop residue decomposition
Post-harvest, After leaf fall, After pruning

4-6 L per sprayed ha in a minimum 200 L of water

Critical Comments

Apply Digester directly on to leaf litter, prunings and other crop residues.

Requires soil moisture/rain and active soil biology.

Digester can be tank mixed with herbicides and fertilisers.

Digester can be applied through fertigation and overhead irrigation.

In low organic matter soils, low fertility soils, after long dry spells or high crop residue levels add technical grade ammonium sulphate at 30 kg/ha.

For best results avoid applying Digester in the heat of the day.

Treated crop residues may be lightly incorporated where possible to maintain moisture.

Use the higher rate in blocks with heavy overwintering disease pressure, compacted or waterlogged soil.

Tree nuts
Crop residue decomposition

2-4 L per sprayed ha in a minimum 200 L of water

Critical Comments

Apply via fertigation or with the last weed spray before harvest.

Apply Digester directly on to leaf litter, prunings and other crop residues.

Requires soil moisture/rain and active soil biology.

Digester can be tank mixed with herbicides and fertilisers.

Digester can be applied through fertigation and overhead irrigation.

In low organic matter soils, low fertility soils, after long dry spells or high crop residue levels add technical grade ammonium sulphate at 30 kg/ha.

For best results avoid applying Digester in the heat of the day.

Treated crop residues may be lightly incorporated where possible to maintain moisture.

Use the lower rate in soils with low organic matter.


Digester Organic is compatible with most commonly used herbicides, fertigation nutrients/nutrient sprays and suspension fertiliser.

Physico-chemical Properties

Density (at 20°C) 1.2 kg/L

pH 3.2-4.0

